WhatsApp has to be kept open on desktop or laptop at various times in the workplace. WhatsApp Web is a very convenient way to download pictures, videos and documents from this app and save them on your computer.

This time using WhatsApp on laptop will become more interesting. Because this time the app under the company of Mark Zuckerberg can add a great feature.

It is heard that this time the photo editing tool is being integrated with the WhatsApp web. Until now, only mobile users have the opportunity to use this feature. Now you can open WhatsApp on the desktop and edit pictures effortlessly.

Suppose you want to send a picture to someone by adding a sticker. You will easily get that option. This is not the end, some more new emojis are coming soon. The emojis have already arrived in the beta version of the popular app. It will reach all users very soon. It is rumored that the photo editing app will be available soon.

The photo editing option was already on the WhatsApp mobile app. But this time the company is trying to bring innovation in the use of this app on desktops and laptops. Its popularity plummeted after changing its privacy policy. Apps like Telegram-Signal have come to the fore. That's why WhatsApp is regularly upgrading itself.

From the desktop or laptop, users will be able to insert emojis in the picture through the drawing tool, if they want, they can also write something on the picture. At the same time you will get options like cropping and rotating pictures. This feature is expected to be available in the latest version of WhatsApp. iOS and Android and desktop users can use the feature effortlessly.

Apart from this, the app has also brought a change in bringing a new feature recently. This feature will also protect users' privacy. This end-to-end encrypted update was tested for a limited number of beta users. However, this time all users will be able to use this feature. WhatsApp also has an 'invisible' feature for photos and videos. A new ‘View One’ feature is being introduced to all users.

The advantage of this is that WhatsApp iOS and Android will have a View One mode for photos. In a blog post on Tuesday, Facebook announced the new feature. This update is to fix the storage problem on the phone and keep some information safe and confidential.

Due to the arrival of lots of pictures and videos on WhatsApp, the storage on the phone started to decrease. To solve the storage management, you can put the ‘disappearing images’ option in the app. In that case, if you do ‘View Once’, once you see the image, it will disappear from the server. The same rules apply here as in Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook Messenger.

If you want to send an important but secret photo or video quickly, take a photo or video by clicking on the WhatsApp camera. Then click on the (1) icon. Once sent, you can no longer see it. Once you see the sender, the message will disappear. This update is coming soon.