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Mobile Safety Tips: Smartphones can catch fire, if you make these 10 mistakes

Mobile Safety Tips: Smartphones can catch fire, if you make these 10 mistakes.

Nowadays, smartphone blasts and fires are often noticed. Most of the time such accidents happen due to misuse of the user's smartphone. Nowadays all smartphones have high mAh battery and fast charge facility. That's why we need to be more aware of the safety of smartphones. Especially for use purposes. Here are some things you can do today to help you avoid using your smartphone.

 Do not use the device in case of damage - 

Do not always use it immediately if the device falls off and plays a crackTake me to the service center first. Because if water gets into the display or body, the battery will deteriorate quickly. This type of phone can cause problems.

Refrain from using duplicate chargers - 

Always refrain from using duplicate chargers on your smartphone. The charger that will be provided with the smartphone should be used or if necessary the same charger of that brand should be bought. 

Refrain from using third party batteries - 

Always refrain from using third party batteries. Using this type of battery can cause problems for the safety of the mobile. 

Do not use it if the smartphone is hit up - 

You should refrain from using it if the smartphone is hit up. The charge must be removed and set aside. 

You should refrain from using the car charge adapter - 

Charge the smartphone from the power bank instead of the charge adapter in the car. Because most of the charge adapters in the car are third party. So they should not be used. 

Never overcharge mobile - 

Mobile should never be overcharged. There is no need to charge one hundred percent overnight. Opening the charge after ninety percent increases the chances of the device being good. 

Do not charge near sunlight - 

Always keep the device away from direct sunlight when charging the smartphone. So as not to hit up. Don't put unwanted pressure on the smartphone, don't charge the smartphone at all while charging. 

Do not charge the smartphone with the extension cut - 

Never charge the smartphone with the extension cut. Never repair a device in a local store - never repair a smartphone in a local store, always go to a service center.

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