WhatsApp has recently added three nice features. These are: View Once, Joinable Calls and Chat Transfer from Android to iOS and vice versa. These three features will make your WhatsApp usage experience even more amazing.

What's in the new 3 features of WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a popular messaging app all over the world including India. Almost every month new features are added to this messaging service to stay ahead of the competitors. Over the past few years, one new feature after another has been added to WhatsApp's iOS and Android apps.

This messaging app has recently added multiple features including Joinable Call, View Once. Customers have been waiting for these three features of WhatsApp for a long time. Let us know in detail about these three WhatsApp features with wide benefits.


View Once:

A popular feature of Snapchat has recently been added to WhatsApp. With this new feature, if a customer sends a picture or video, it will be viewed only once. And once seen, it will disappear. However, the person on the other end can save pictures or videos through screenshots.

Snapchat has a screenshot feature block, but there is no problem in taking screenshots of WhatsApp chat. So, security experts are questioning the effectiveness of this new feature of WhatsApp.


Joinable calls:

This feature was added to WhatsApp in July. This feature allows you to exit a call and return to that call. There will be a chance to join as long as that call lasts. Also, if you miss a call, this feature will allow you to join that call later.

The popular messaging company has come up with this wonderful feature to compete with Zoom and Google Mitt. Before this feature came out, if a person left the call, they had to hang up the call and make a new call to re-enter the call.

Android to iOS Chat Backup Transfer:

Earlier, if you switched from Android to iOS or from iOS to Android platform, all the information of WhatsApp would be lost. However, times are changing. Chat history and back-up can be taken on the new phone through the smart switch in the back-up.