WhatsApp will not work on phones from November

From November 1, WhatsApp will not work on 43 models of smartphones. This popular messaging app on older Android and iOS phones will be discontinued. This information has been confirmed by WhatsApp.

According to media reports quoting WhatsApp, phones with Android 4.0.4 or earlier operating system and phones with iOS 9 or earlier will no longer work. These phone manufacturers have also confirmed this information.

Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, Trend Two, Trend Lite, Core, S2, LG Optimus F7, F5, El3 to Dual, F7 to 2, F5 to 2, Sony Xperia, Huawei Ascend Mate, Ascend D2, Apple iPhone , WhatsApp will not work on SixS and SixS Plus.

Since last year, various complications have started with the security of WhatsApp. As a result, the number of users of this popular messaging app has decreased. However, there is no lack of security in the app, said WhatsApp. They have been claiming that the messages and pictures given here are always safe.